- Wednesday 4 September
- Thursday 5 September
- Friday 6 September
Sustainable society
The first day will be dedicated to the theme of ‘Sustainable Society’. Sessions will concentrate around societal challenges, including those related to environmental degradation (UN SDG Goal 13), economic prosperity (UN SDG Goal 8), social inclusion, gender equality (UN SDG Goal 5), industry, innovation and infrastructure (UN SDG Goal 9), urban environment (UN SDG Goal 11), or biodiversity loss (UN SDG Goal 15).
Plenary session #1 Sustainability and the law: Global action for people and the planet
09:00 – 12:00
Workshop #1 Cities of the future: Local sustainable development in a global competitive environment
14:00 – 16:00
Workshop #2 Large-scale sport events in times of megalomania: Bigger, better, more expensive. Sustainable?
14:00 – 16:00
Workshop #3 Vulnerable workers, migrants and families: Perspectives on a more sustainable future
14:00 – 16:00
Workshop #4 Making the environment great again: New frontiers for international arbitration and state courts
14:00 – 16:00
The second day will be all about key opportunities and challenges some industries face and how companies can strengthen current practices and mitigate risk to deliver meaningful and long-term contributions to a more sustainable planet. Critical issues, such as climate change (UN SDG Goal 13), inequalities (UN SDG Goal 10), securing resilient supply chains (UN SDG Goal 8), or sustainable investing will be part of the schedule.
09:00 – 12:00
Working session #2 The growing role of sustainability in M&A and corporate governance
09:00 – 12:00
Workshop #5 Corporate accountability for sustainable development
14:00 – 16:00
Workshop #6 Fintech’s potential on the road to sustainability
14:00 – 16:00
Workshop #7 Responsible tax for a sustainable future
14:00 – 16:00
Workshop #8 Sustainability through personalised medicine: opportunities and challenges
14:00 – 16:00
The third day will address the transformation of the practice of law and how the Sustainable Development Goals can help law firms deliver their sustainability programmes and ambitions.
Working session #3 Building a successful, sustainable practice
09:00 – 12:00
Working session #4 How can we make a difference? Law firms and sustainability
10:30 – 12:00
Social programme
- Tuesday 3 September
- Wednesday 4 September
- Thursday 5 September
- Friday 6 September
- Saturday 7 September

Speed networking
18:15 – 19:15
Gonzaga+Pallavicini+Medici – Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel & Spa Roma

Welcome reception
19:30 – 21:00
Pool Bar – Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel & Spa Roma

Running for human rights
07:00 – 08:00
Villa Borghese Park and selected itinerary in Rome

First-timers lunch
13:00 – 14:00
Giardino d’Inverno – Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel & Spa

Opening ceremony, Walking dinner & Afterparty
19:00 – 02:00
Auditorium Parco della Musica

Morning run
07:00 – 08:00
Itinerary in Rome TBC

Corporate counsel breakfast
08:00 – 09:00
Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel & Spa

Home hospitality dinner
Your host’s home

Day out activities, Dinner & Afterparty
15:30 – 02:00
Cinecittà Studios

Football match
14:15 – 17:00
Salaria Sport Village

Thematic city tours
14:30 – 17:00
Meeting Point in the Lobby – Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel & Spa Roma

15:00 – 16:00
Villa Borghese Park (weather permitting) – Departure from Hotel lobby

Gala dinner & Afterparty
18:30 – 01:30
Villa Medici
AIJA meetings
- Tuesday 3 September
- Wednesday 4 September
- Thursday 5 September
- Friday 6 September
- Saturday 7 September
Extended Bureau meeting
10:00 – 13:00
Ruspoli, Level A (-1 floor)
Executive committee meeting
08:00 – 09:00
Sfrorza A, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Antitrust commission meeting
12:00 – 13:00
Sfrorza B+C, Level B-C (-2 floor)
IBLC + Sports law commission meeting
12:00 – 13:00
Gonzaga+Pallavicni+Medici, Level B-C (-2 floor)
International Arbitration commission meeting
12:00 – 13:00
Fernandes, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Real Estate commission meeting
12:00 – 13:00
Sfrorza D+E, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Skills, Career, Innovation, Leadership and Learning (SCILL) commission meeting
12:00 – 13:00
Sfrorza A, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Transport law commission meeting
12:00 – 13:00
Hospitality lounge, Lobby level
Banking, Finance and Capital markets commission meeting
16:00 – 17:00
Sfrorza B+C, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Commercial fraud commission meeting
16:00 – 17:00
Sfrorza A, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Environment & Energy law commission meeting
16:00 – 17:00
Hospitality lounge, Lobby level
Intellectual property, technology, media and telecommunications (IPTMT) commission meeting
16:00 – 17:00
Gonzaga+Pallavicni+Medici, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Labour law + Immigration law commission meeting
16:00 – 17:00
Fernandes, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Corporate and M&A commission meeting
16:00 – 17:00
Farnese+Orsini+Ruspoli+Torlina, Level A (-1 floor)
In-house counsel commission meeting
16:00 – 17:00
Sfrorza D+E, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Insolvency commission meeting
16:00 – 17:00
Hospitality lounge, Lobby lounge
Litigation commission meeting
16:00 – 17:00
Gonzaga+Pallavicni+Medici, Level B-C (-2 floor)
National Representatives Committee (formerly MF) meeting
17:00 – 18:00
Fernandes, Level B-C (-2 floor)
T.R.A.D.E (Trade, Retail, Agency, Distribution, E-commerce) commission meeting
16:00 – 17:00
Sfrorza A, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Tax Law commission meeting
16:00 – 17:00
Sfroza B+C, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Honorary Members’ meeting
10:30 – 12:00
Sfrorza B+C, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Officers of the Commissions Committee (formerly FoC) meeting
12:00 – 13:00
Fernandes, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Human Rights Committee meeting
12:00 – 13:00
Gonzaga+Pallavicni+Medici, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Academic Programme Committee (formerly LCC) meeting
14:00 – 15:30
Fernandes, Level B-C (-2 floor)
General Assembly
10:00 – 12:30
Fernandes, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Executive committee meeting
12:30 – 13:30
Fernandes, Level B-C (-2 floor)
Coaching at the congress
Public speaking crash course – open for all
For lawyers, content is king.
But if you cannot deliver your message in a way that people actually listen, you won’t get the content across.
Elevate your stage presence, fine tune your presentation and practice your speech for greater impact!
Join us at the free Public Speaking Crash Course organised by AIJA’s SCILL (Skills, Career, Innovation, Leadership & Learning) Commission with the help of public speaking coach Wendy Rundberg. This will take place on Tuesday, 3 September, from 14:00 to 17:30.
You will learn last minute tricks and tips to enhance the professional delivery and impact of your communication and content.
If you’re one of the congress speakers this year, you will also have the chance to rehearse parts of your respective speeches (max. 3 minutes, ideally the beginning and/or the ending) in front of a live audience consisting of fellow speakers and moderators. You will get valuable feedback on body language, rhetoric and impact. This is a chance not to miss!
One-to-one coaching session with Debra Forman, Pinstripe Coaching
Debra, certified executive coach and principal of Pinstripe Coaching, will be providing personal coaching sessions to congress participants in Rome, as part of our programme.
Debra has actively been affiliated with AIJA for many years and brings to the Association more than 30 years of experience working with lawyers who want to foster communication and leadership skills, attain time, productivity and project management efficiencies, and effectively position themselves in their markets.
Coaching time slots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
One-to-one coaching session with Wendy Rundberg, Pluq Proud Presentations
During the private coaching, you will learn how to deliver clear messages to your audience. You can try different techniques and see what impact they have, you can learn what you can improve in order to impress your audience. All participants will receive targeted and constructive individual feedback.
Wendy Rundberg, coach and trainer, will help you find and deliver your key messages in your public speaking & professional presentations. She has experience in the field of personal performance for over 10 years. She guides individuals and teams to success with her engaged and professional way of working, and result driven mindset. Many companies have benefitted from her expertise. Wendy worked with corporates by crafting their Business Presentations, helped company’s to win Tenders with their presentations and coached various Keynote & TEDx speakers. Her program “VideoPitching for Professionals” is great for entrepreneurs and other professionals, which will help profiling yourself in this digital era.
One-to-one coaching session with Petr Mára
Technology has become part of our lives so quickly that sometimes it’s really hard to be able to use it the right, productive way.
Petr, Certified Apple trainer, public speaker & podcaster will be providing private sessions focused on productivity in the context of technology. He can help you with these topics: How to use the iPhone or Mac more effectively? Which Apps can help me to track my tasks? How to keep my data secure and private? How to make your productivity system even better (Petr is a big fan of Getting Things Done methodology)? Can social networks help me to promote my business and how?
Feel free to check Petr’s LinkedIn profile and other social networks to find out what are his interests and topics to discuss.
One-to-one coaching session with Thomas Bourne
Thomas is happy to offer coaching on the following subjects:
- Commercial Intelligence – the subject of his keynote talk on Friday 6 September. You will benefit from his insights gained as both lawyer and businessman into how lawyers can develop a more empathetic approach to their clients’ business in order to build longer, deeper and more sustainable relationships;
- Social & Environmental Impact – as an expert in the field of measuring and managing environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, and how they relate to business strategies and operations, he can help you understand this fast growing global trend and how it applies to your firm and its clients.”
Thomas Bourne was a commercial employment lawyer in the UK for 7 years before leaving law to run an organic food production and retail business. It was during this time, and having done a masters-level course in the Circular Economy, that he developed a passion for sustainability and the role of business in providing solutions to the most pressing social and environmental issues. He is now an independent consultant, working with businesses to measure, manage and improve their positive impact on planet and people.
Expert session: Strategic business planning with Robert F. van Beemen, Venturis Consulting Group
Where to Play | How to Play | Can we Win?
We live and work in a world that is dominated by Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (‘VUCA’). VUCA is not just a challenge to develop a strategy, it has become the framework wherein law firms need to develop and execute their strategy (Where to Play | How to Play | Can we Win?).
- The Geographical expansion by the Global Elite and International Business Law Firms (‘IBLs’);
- The Transformation from a Supply-Driven-model to a Demand-Driven-model (Old Law vs. New Law);
- Changing Client Loyalty and Demands;
- The increasing importance and impact of Operational Excellence and Technology; and
- The rise of Alternative Legal Service Providers (‘ALSPs’),
lead to increasing competition and a clear market segmentation; law firms from all sizes are forced to make clear and bright strategic choices. Many law firms, practice – and sector groups, and partners confuse personal and professional ambitions and aspirations with strategy, or they simply lack the discipline to execute the agreed strategic actions.
At the AIJA Congress in Rome, Robert F. van Beemen | partner at Venturis Consulting Group, will facilitate individual Strategic Business Planning sessions, including:
- An Introductory and Interactive Plenary Group Session via video conference
- A Strategic Business Planning template
- A Hotline for questions and to share your strategic thoughts
- The Individual Strategic Business Planning Session in Rome
- Aftercare…
- And a free copy of the Special Report Legal Tech and Digital Transformation | Competitive Positioning and Business Models of Law Firms, Globe Law and Business 2018
DUAL Asset Underwriting (DAU) is a Managing General Agency, established in May 2013 to provide specialist insurance products to protect or more efficiently transact property assets; real estate, mortgages, inherited assets, shares, airplanes & helicopters, around the world.
DUAL Asset is part of DUAL International, which is part of the Hyperion Group. After only 5 years, DUAL Asset is the by far the largest title insurer outside of the USA, with annual premium of €60M and employees 37 people among Warsaw, London, Norwich, Manchester and Dublin.
Why you should want to meet us?
- Because we are the most innovative in the market (among other things, first to have launched the Title/W&I hybrid product);
- Because we have a fully dedicated underwriting team with great legal & language skills;
- Because we have a very flat structure to avoid delays and get fast approvals;
- Because we have the simplest, insured-friendly and broadest wording in the Market, which can be subject to your jurisdiction and customised to suite your specific needs;
- Because we have insured the broadest range of red flags, both referred to Title to Shares and Asset, helping you get the deal done;
- Because we can insure any kind of deal, regardless of its size;
- Because we only cooperate with A Rated top Insurers.
Provided services:
Title Indemnity for Commercial and Residential transactions, Title to shares, Share Ownership and Title to Aircraft, Inheritance Protection Insurance and Excess W&I.
In general, our policy protects against unknown risks and complements the due diligence process. Our policy protects you for the length of time you own the asset, unlike time limited W&I insurance.
Where specific risks are discovered, we can cover them into the policy. These insured specific risks would pass to any new buyer, improving the asset/shares and its/their saleability.
Experienced property professionals use our products to cut time, cost and risk from the transaction process.
Why Sellers use transactional insurance:
- Replace warranties that Sellers don’t want to or can’t give;
- Avoid escrow & accelerate the winding up of funds.
- Quick exit – they want to reinvest sale proceeds quickly, without worrying about warranty liability;
- Get better finance terms from finance parties.
Why Buyers use transactional insurance:
- Better financial conditions in negotiations DD red flags with finance partner;
- Seller’s warranties aren’t worth much from the Buyer’s perspective;
- They want to insure the warranties, but the W&I is too expensive for the deal size;
- They want to insure 100% of the asset value, not 10% or 20%;
- They don’t have time to perform usual DD.
BEST international future award
We are excited to invite law students to participate in the Best International Future Lawyer Award competition focused on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) this year. The competition is organised by AIJA, the international association of young lawyers.
The aim of the competition is to develop law students’ understanding of the global development agenda. We want to encourage them to identify international legal frameworks or law approaches in achieving the SDGs.
“If I could change the world…how can I, as a future lawyer, contribute to a more sustainable world?”